coconut fudge

Vegan Fudge Recipe and Holiday Cheer Creeps In

christmaslights Last night, on my way back from another great snowy ski day, I heard my first Christmas song of the season. I can’t say that I was surprised. It is the week of Thanksgiving after all.  With a little more than a month till the big day it seems relatively appropriate that holiday cheer begins its creep into the fabric of our everyday lives.

Aside from the Christmas music, over this weekend I participated in my first Friendsgiving. Which if you are not familiar with the concept Friendsgiving is the first excuse for a bunch of people who know each other to drink heavily, eat copious amounts of food and gorge themselves on the first taste of holiday cheer.  It is an all-around good time. As part of this holiday pre-season event it is required that all participants contribute a thanksgiving themed dish.   Since this is only the beginning of the holiday season I did not feel it was necessary to spend all day cooking some elaborate dish. I wanted to make something easy and thanks to the expansive knowledge of tumbler I found one of the simplest recipes I think I’ve ever attempted, 3-ingredient vegan fudge.

3-Ingredient Vegan Fudge


3 cups of dark chocolate morsels

¾ cup of whole coconut milk

2 table spoons of coconut oil

+ any additional ingredients your little heart may desire! For this rendition of fudge I chose to add walnuts and coconut pieces.


  1. Place chocolate chips into a bowl. I placed mine in a metal bowl and then heated it by placing it into a sauce pan of simmering water. Essentially replicating a double boiler.
  2. In a separate sauce pan bring coconut oil and milk to a boil, whisking occasionally.
  3. Pour milk and oil mix over chocolate chips and stir until all of the chocolate is melted and the mixture is smooth. At this point, add any additional ingredients you would like.
  4. Pour mixture into a well-greased pan. I put mine into a 5x5 pan.
  5. Place into the fridge for 2-3 hours or the freezer for 1 hour.

** Recommended augmentations: Add vanilla extract and or powdered sugar, this is to cut the somewhat bitter taste of the dark chocolate morsels.

The beauty of the 3-ingredient fudge is not only that it is ridiculously easy but also that it is a crowd pleaser. Although everyone was stuffed to the brim from pre-season thanksgiving foods several people asked if they could take doggie bags home of vegan fudge. With holiday cheer, aided by red wine, I gladly obliged their requests.

So as the holiday season swings to full tilt, remember 3-ingredient fudge for those moments that to embark on an extravagant dish would bring out the Grinch in anyone. But until then revel in the glittering splendor that is the holiday season and don’t be ashamed to crank up the volume when your favorite holiday song comes on the radio. I know I did.

Sarah eating vegan fudge