work life

Hanging with friends, helping out neighbors

J and I went out with my Flow-Cal colleagues tonight because the receptionist is leaving our office for greener pastures.

Over pizza, I got to talking to my friend about giving back. OK, I told her I was getting tired and needed to get some sleep because I was getting up early, but whatever, we got around to the topic.

She told  me that she was on a giving-back kick as a part of a self betterment thing she'd been doing since the New Year. I'd say seven months of success is pretty successful resolution, right? She said that every time she goes to the grocery store she does two things: she brings recyclable bags (because we waste so much plastic) and she picks up one of those pre-packaged Houston Food Bank bags. She said she figures that with the money she saves with her grocery loyalty card, the $7 or so it cost to buy the bag is negligible.

I was really moved by the conversation. I think what I came away with is that I can do something to help. Even when I'm busy or broke, helping people gives me worth and confidence and on some days, perspective.

Some friends and I (even J came!) had the opportunity this morning to give some time to the Heights (my hood!) Interfaith Ministries Food Pantry. They were celebrating their 50th year of serving the community and we were chosen (or I chose...) to man the clothing giveaway booth.

Performing this service was really neat. There's something about giving people the clothes that they will wear or the food that they will eat. There's something about giving without asking questions, about respecting someone's autonomy and dignity.

As time went on our piles of clothes would swell with donations, then shrink as people claimed items. But all throughout, some items, particularly some decade-defiant garments like the ones we're wearing in this picture, stayed behind. Why?  Well, I think I figured it out when four tween girls lept at the opportunity to bag a trendy lace top - people, all people, want to look good. They could have been shopping at the Galleria and it wouldn't have been any different. I think we'd all rather go naked than look like fools.

I remember one time seeing a Goodwill billboard that read, "donate what you'd want to buy." That's tough for me as I tend to want to hold onto my stuff with a death grip. And it's a tough call. But I can say that at the couple of places I've sorted clothes, we trash clothing with rips and stains. Also, just toss that old g-string and matching bra, really. Though I really do wish that I'd gotten a picture of my friend Dan wearing that blingy-bra. That woman was either drag queen, a stripper, or someone who really liked to dress up at home - the bag was full of similar items. It was like a 1994 Victoria Secret fire sale.

When we were unloading things from the storage unit today, we pulled out a car seat. Before we could wheel it over to the giveaway area, a young mother came up and asked if she could have it for her son. Yes, of course.  I can't know that woman's struggles, or why she needs assistance to buckle up her son, but I can be the one who puts that in her hands.