University of Texas

Always say, "Yes, and..." (Weekend update)

I'm so excited to announce that Jason invited me to join him for a Comedy Sportz Houston six-week improv course. Jason and I were in Comedy Sportz High School league together and I'm really looking forward to the class and to spending some time with Jason. One of the main teachings of improv is to always say, "Yes, and" when given a suggestion.

In other news, this past week, I went to my first-ever Texas Exes Alumni Chapter meeting. A things have shaken out, I spend a lot of time with Aggies (thanks J) and really don't have many Longhorn friends in Houston. I really enjoyed that the chapter meeting was a lot like the Kappa Delta meetings of yester-year. Shouldn't surprise me as the president of the chapter was Greek himself and is running the meeting the only way he knows how - like a fraternity meeting.

J threw a party this Saturday and we mixed many friend crowds. Always nerve-wracking, but it really went well. We had a few friends from Jarrod's office, friends from college, from church, and Gonzalo and his neighbor Eric. The night ended with a walk to House of Pies and a delicious Bayou Goo pie...which I then ate for breakfast Sunday morning.

Sunday afternoon J and I went to Bombay Pizza to eat and watch the World Cup game (I'm so glad that my "interest" in soccer has come to an end...).

I'm most proud of myself this week for painting and putting up these shelves in my bathroom. I was, however, a little overzealous and got red spray paint all over my cement porch. Oops. Sorry, Landlord Donna.