Weekend update: The Plot Thickens

Hello Macranders! It's Monday. Which means we just had a weekend and in Houston that means we just had the first sub 80 degree weekend. Mom left Sunday after being here in Houston for two weeks. By some strange stroke of luck, Dad was coming in from Iceland at the same time, so they were able to meet up in the Anchorage airport.

I got a call from Todd yesterday, and he and Nick are back in the states. Let the engagement celebrating begin! In other news, we are quickly entering into holiday season and I'm looking forward to heading up to the Macrander-Sanders household for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately this also means that Jarrod will be headed back up to North Dakota soon. He leaves at the end of November for start work on Dec. 1. It seems pretty cruel to send him up there during the coldest time of the year, but hey, that's life.

The Plot Thickens

On Wednesday, J and I went to his grandparents house for dinner. While eating, I was talking about how I enjoyed taking obits in while working at the newspaper, because I often got to work with the funeral home operators or the families.

This reminded Jarrod's grandmother that she needed to tell J that she had recently taken care of purchasing plots and funeral packages for her and her husband.

Lots of people are weird talking about their someday future death, but Jarrod's grandmother is not. Her faith is solid and she is certain that on her death day she will be dancing up to the pearly gates to start eternity in celestial Disneyland.

She also shared with Jarrod that she and her husband David inherited plots from David's parents that they did not intend to use. Jarrod's grandmother had even called the the cemetery management to see what she could do with there extra plots and was told that she should sell them on Craigslist.

She started telling us that they were in a supreme location, in the Mason burial plot within view of a big tree. Apparently they're also in a historic cemetery that is somewhat difficult to get into, so they're worth some money.

All of this is to say, that Jarrod's grandmother was asking Jarrod to be her cemetery lot dealer and sell these prime pieces of real estate for her.

She went on to tell us that she had three plots in the cemetery that she wanted to be buried in. We asked her why, considering she was just buying spots for her and her husband.

There was a buy two get one free deal. Go figure.