Top 25 things to buy at the Dollar Tree

Todd and Nick came to visit me this week and I told them about my secret...I visit the Dollar Tree once a week. It's a bit of an obsession. A strange one at that. I begin to feel this surge of joy just thinking about all the deals I could get in just one trip.

I've even started vlogging about my trips to the Dollar Tree. I'll link bellow.

But the thing is that I must be careful about who I tell. Not everyone is accepting or even encouraging. Dad says that only garbage can be purchased at the DT and Jarrod, well, he scoffed when I said I rarely make it out of there without spending $30.

I stand by my list. There are great deals for EVERYONE at the Dollar Tree. Like my other love, Goodwill, there is junk too. That's why it takes an expert to see through the junk to the gems.
